Farewell summer...

Posted: Friday, August 29, 2008 | Posted by Em |

It's Labor Day weekend which can only mean *sigh* summer is over. Rats, it's time to wear socks again. I dread the day I have to put away my sandals. It breaks my heart. I like Fall, I really do; I like the changing leaves, I like haunted houses, I like the cool evenings, I like being able to drink hot chocolate again, but going back to wearing shoes is just so very, very sad. Goodbye flip flops...I'll miss you most of all.


  1. Jules said...
  2. I KNOW! I think I need to move somewhere where I can wear sandals all year round. Remember when we got Jennie flip flops in London? ps--I finally watched American Mall. I was pretty disappointed, but loved Neil (blond friend in band) from So You Think you Can Dance season 3. Also, a couple of the songs are itune download-worthy.

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