Breaking sports news...

Posted: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 | Posted by Em | Labels: , , , ,

So my family decided to fill out March Madness brackets for the first time this year. I've filled them out at work and school before but our family has never done it. We were trying to decide on a prize for the winner... Forty dollars is the grand prize. That's right forty big ones, smackeroos, sheckles, bread units, bills, Simoleons, etc. After two rounds, my mom is winning. She has several more points than anyone else. My mom, who doesn't care about sports AT ALL is going to get the forty bucks. My brother, my dad and I spent time researching our picks online and listening to sports radio and watching ESPN--what a waste of time! It looks like mom is going to be $40 richer next week--let's hope she doesn't spend it all in one place.


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