A Christmas Story, The Musical!, based on the 1983 MGM film, premieres at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre Nov. 20-Dec. 27, 2009. It has already broken box office records at KC Rep and is aiming for a 2010 Broadway debut. Songs in the production include "Getting Ready for Christmas," "Take That!," "I Won (A Major Award)," "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!," "Ho, Ho, Ho!," "I'm Awake," "On Christmas, We Go Eat Chinese" and "There Must Be Something We've Forgotten." I know what I want in my Christmas stocking in 2010--tickets to this! I can't wait to hear "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!", I have a feeling it'll be a show-stopper, real Broadway gold.
Haha! That's funny. I love that movie, and yes, that is a funny lamp worthy of a song!
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